Country Stats

  • Population: 123.38 million
  • Percentage of population dependent on rain-fed agriculture: 85%
  • Ethiopians in need of humanitarian assistance: 22.6 million people
  • Rank in the UN's Human Development Index: 175 of 191

Concern's Impact

  • Livelihood program: over 87,000 people benefitted in 2022
  • Emergency response: over 800,000 people reached in 2022
  • Education: over 4,300 Ethiopian girls supported in 2022

Why are we in Ethiopia?  Ethiopia is a country particularly vulnerable to weather-related shocks, such as droughts and floods, with over 80% of the rural population dependent on rain-fed agriculture. Four consecutive failed rain seasons have had a devastating effect on parts of the country, with over 4.5 million livestock deaths since late 2021. Ethiopia faces the added challenge of hosting 941,000 refugees from other countries, as well as recovering from intense conflict in the northern regions, with millions left internally displaced.

Humanitarian crises

In 2022, Ethiopia experienced multiple humanitarian crises that endangered the lives and livelihoods of millions of people. An ongoing drought, which began in 2020, has severely impacted pastoralist communities in the Eastern and Southern regions of Ethiopia. As a consequence, an estimated 13 million people are suffering food insecurity, malnutrition, limited access to water, and increased risk of disease. In the Oromia and Somali regions, people are simultaneously affected by both drought and conflict. Although a cessation of hostilities has been achieved in Northern Ethiopia, significant humanitarian needs arising from conflict still persist. There remains an estimated 2.6 million internally displaced persons in Northern Ethiopia alone.

Latest achievements

Emergency response

In 2022, Concern engaged in 19 emergency responses, directly benefitting nearly 800,000 Ethiopians - reflecting the impact of conflict and drought in Ethiopia. These responses focused on emergency food, health, clean water and sanitation, and cash assistance. Most recently, Concern responded to large scale floods in Somali Region.


Concern’s livelihoods programs, which directly benefitted 87,756 people in 2022, aim to build the resilience of extremely poor communities, leaving them more capable of surviving future shocks.


Too often, the education of girls is deprioritized in situations of extreme poverty or crisis. In 2022, Concern provided 4,300 girls with a mix of education (in literacy and numeracy), vocational training, and peer support through self-help groups.

Merema Yimer in her kitchen garden beside her home in Amhara, Ethiopia.Young girls gets MUAC in Ethiopia
Mother with newborn in EthiopiaA nursery in Ethiopia
Ethiopian coupleAli and family farming

How we're helping Ethiopia

We are working hard to combat suffering and build resilience in Ethiopia. We are doing this by establishing programs which will improve livelihoods, tackle gender equality and increase humanitarian response.

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